Kadapt is developing a new social enterprise called Wizelp. Wizelp is an app and web based platform that aims to enable human face to face interaction for the benefit of everyone involved.

To quote from the Wizelp website,
"We 7 billions humans collectively hold a vast amount of knowledge and experience between us.
Wizelp enables us to share our abilities, knowledge and experience, face to face, with people who need our help today, wherever they are in the world."
The basic premise of Wizelp is you provide your abilities, time and experience to other people in the world who could benefit. You can choose to charge for the duration of the time you are helping, or do it for free. We encourage people to do a bit of both, but it is your choice. The services you provide for free might typically be things you are interested in or passionate about, e.g. your hobbies.
Eventually Wizelp aims to be fully decentralised, utilising both decentralised storage and servers.